Although square dancing has been a classic part
of American folk culture for many years, it
wasn't until the late
1970s that organized gay
and lesbian square dance clubs appeared in gay
communities across the United States. These
early beginnings have given rise to a network of
over 65 clubs worldwide who are members of the
IAGSDC (International Association of Gay Square
Dance Clubs).

"Gay square dancing has given me years of
exercise, pleasure, joy and opportunities to
develop many lasting and cherished friendships.
It is one of the most wholesome, inclusive,
supportive activities available within our
Newcomers are always welcome, with clubs
offering beginner lessons on a regular basis.
Once you have learned the basics,
you can
literally square dance all over the world, at
both gay and straight square dance clubs. The
commands are the same,
regardless of the
nationality or orientation of the club. Club
events feature callers from around the world,
both gay and straight.
If you like to travel,
you'll love "Fly-in" weekends. These are square
dance weekends hosted year round by member
You'll have a weekend of fun, food,
sightseeing, and, of course, dancing. To top it
all off, the IAGSDC's annual convention is
each year in a different city and typically
draws over 1,000 dancers for a long weekend of
forgetting all else except having a good time.
While it is true that gay square dancing has
its origins in traditional square dancing, there
are some basic differences between dancing in
gay community and the straight community.
Gay square dance clubs tend to be more high
energy, there is usually a very relaxed dress
and you most definitely do not need to
come as a couple. Dancers can learn either the
lead or follow position, whichever is most
or it is not uncommon to learn both
parts, so the dancer can step into any square
and dance. Although it is not necessary to come
as a couple,
couples are certainly welcome. IAGSDC square dance clubs are open to all square
dancers regardless of age, race, gender,
religion, ethnic
background, or sexual
Click on the IAGSDC logo above to find the
member club nearest to you.